Katherine Broadway,MDiv,LPC
Raleigh Psychotherapy
There is Hope
Specialist for Adults dealing with
anxiety, depression, relationships, stress, abuse, and trauma issues.
Advanced training in addiction and the needs of LGBT Individuals.
I believe you can live a happy and successful life. I'd like to help you do that.
Are you feeling confused in a relationship?
Disappointed in your life?
Unfulfilled in your job?
Angry about the choices you have made?
There is hope!
I can help you find your way to a happier life. I see individuals and couples change depression, anxiety, grief, stress and despair into happiness, peace and confidence through the process of therapy.
We will work together and to help you create a happier life. Our most important task will be to develop a plan which fits you as a unique individual. We will help you heal and develop the resources you need to continue the healing process. We will develop enough safety and trust that you can say whatever you are thinking and feeling at any moment without feeling judged or criticized.
This unique relationship develops because I will treat you with respect and compassion in a warm, confidential, validating and private environment.
Call me for a free
15 minute phone consultation
or read more about
my areas of specialty.
Do you wish you had:
more balance /less stress
clarity on decisions
graceful assertiveness
career path strategy
If so, counseling will help you lean into your career.
Are you often:
scared or hesitant
unable to calm yourself
dreading social events
paralyzed by change
If so, counseling will help you overcome your worries.
Find it challenging to:
to attract the right people
be seen for who you are
disagree without fighting
get your needs met
If so, counseling will help you improve all relationships.
Is it harder than it should be:
to maintain sobriety
to resist peer pressure
to forgive your parent
to trust your spouse
If so, counseling will help you sustain the change you want.
Are you:
chronically sad or tired
always irritable
mostly negative
unmotivated, hopeless
If so, counseling will help you get your old self back.
Have you been:
witness to an awful event
victimized or threatened
bullied as child or adult
afraid to be alone
If so, counseling will help you heal through the trauma.