How to Survive and Thrive in Life
It is not easy to accept the reality of the difficulties of life, but if we can do so, then there are ways we can make life easier for ourse

Are You Crazy, or Am I?
“A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?” Albert Einstein “You're just crazy… this is crazy… they are...

A common definition of loneliness includes the perception of social isolation. There is another type of loneliness that goes deep within and

Love and Desire in Relationships and Work
In some ways, it easy to see why it is hard to keep desire and passion alive in long-term romantic relationships. This leads to the question

Six Steps to Identifying Your Feelings During Conflict
When you are upset with someone, it is important to determine exactly what you are upset about. What is going on inside of you? What is the

Growing Intimacy Through Conflict
There is another side to conflict. It can be used to manage closeness and distance. Conflict is a powerful way to have contact with someone

Dodging Disappointment: During the Holidays and the Rest of the Year
Disappointment is a difficult emotion. It can step in and ruin any experience. You are having a good day, something happens where your...

Hurricane Matthew: Test of Endurance and Resilience
...and sometimes life sends you a hurricane. A husband and wife watching the water to see if it will flood their home of 45 years....

The Traveler and Anger
Airports are an easy place to lose your temper these days. Between security and lines and delays, stress has become a part of air travel....

Understanding Yourself: An Exercise to Help You.
In a previous blog, I introduced you to the Johari Window and the areas of yourself you do not know. The more you can get to know about...