When it Hurts too Much to Talk
When Albert Einstein met Charlie Chaplin, Einstein said,“What I most admire about your art, is your universality. You don’t say a word,...

The Importance of Showing Up
We have all heard the saying, “It hurt too much to cry.” What you don’t hear as often is the idea that there could exist a pain so great...

The Value of Aggression
Most of us are taught that aggression is wrong; is it possible to see aggression in a positive light?

The Healing Vortex—Healing Emotional Pain
The Healing Vortex, represents the life-affirming capacity of the human mind and holds positive memories of comfort, strength and pleasure.

Identifying Our Inner Conflict
Have you wondered why you say your going to do something, and either never get started or do the exact opposite? Perhaps the problem is that

How the 5-Second Rule Can Help You Change
Katie carried this resentful, angry behavior forward in her life. She was living out an unconscious wish that someone would finally understa

Power Struggles And Desire
We all know what it feels like to be in a power struggle with someone. It can be fun when we are in a friendly debate, more often it is a pa

The Power of Baby Steps
It is by starting with the small things that we build a sense of self, self-esteem, and resiliency. These are necessary ingredients for suc

Pennies From Heaven
Once again, I am reminded that life is filled with uncertainty, hardship and pain and there are riches to be found in every situation – penn

Change Your Relationships by Assuming Good
I recently talked with a man who works for a newspaper. He was struggling with his career path because of the current climate of mistrust....