The Value of the Right Questions
Henry feels like a failure because he is depressed. It has been months since he felt this way, and he thought he was over it. He is...

Responding to Anger: "To Thine Own Self Be True"
“This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.” Hamlet,...

What Kind of Angry Are You?
Think about the last two weeks. How many times would you have described yourself as “angry”? If we're honest about it, we could all say,...

10 Ineffectual Ways to Deal With Anger
When angry, count to four; when very angry, Swear. Mark Twain We have all experienced anger at times when we did not want to feel it. It...

What Is Your Name For Anger?
What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet.... William Shakespear Anger is a difficult emotion,...

Four Myths about Anger
Anger is an emotion that has a certain mystique about it. It is blamed for many harmful events and problematic outcomes. When something...

Anger and Getting Kicked Off the Island
“I’m going to be voted off the island,” she wailed. Most of us know she is referring to the TV show, “Survivor.” On the show, team...

Why Do Some Memories Stick? Merry-go-round-Memories
As a child, Tom loved Pecan Sandies and hot dogs. At a family picnic, he ate several hot dogs and many Pecan Sandies. That night, he had...

Living on Auto-Pilot
We all have templates by which we live. A template is a way of looking at our experiences through which we give meaning to our lives....

Teach Others How to Treat You
“I teach others how to treat me by what I allow.”
-Steven Coventry
We tell other people how they are all