Conflict Resolution Through Listening
When people are upset, the words they use rarely convey the issues and needs at the heart of the problem. When we listen for what is felt...

Growing Intimacy Through Conflict
There is another side to conflict. It can be used to manage closeness and distance. Conflict is a powerful way to have contact with someone

Is Election 2016 Stressing Out Your Relationships?
This article is not a political statement but a commentary on the impact this election is having on people and relationships. The 2016...

11 Small Ways to Create a More Satisfying Life
From when you get up in the morning to when you go to bed, life can be difficult and challenging. There are things that we cannot change...

Discovering the Unknown About Yourself
The more you can get to know yourself, the better you can communicate. This exercise can help you learn more about your blind areas. There a

7 Behaviors that Hurt You and Your Relationships
Do you find yourself feeling taken for granted in your relationships? Do you feel like you are the one who gives more and receives less?...

After Orlando, Deflecting Fear One Person at a Time
Alisha came in with a look of fear and anxiety. “What is wrong with the world? Another mass shooting and no-one there to stop it. Why are...

Patterns, Maps, and Finding Your Way in Relationships
Our early relationships shape and mold our internal maps of who we are, These maps and the patterns they contain are acted out dramatically

4 Qualities that Strengthen Your Relationships
While attending a recent wedding, three couples caught my attention, because of the qualities in their relationships. The first was the...

6 Questions to Ask if You are Unsure About Your Relationship
“Relationships seek to obtain: Level flight, nice buzz, floating down the river, hitting rapids, “weee that was fun,” return to level...