The Power of Shame
Ever have that feeling that something is a little bit off in the way you’re taking on life? On the outside, you look like you have it all...
Five Things to Know About Vulnerability
Vulnerability is the birthplace of connection and the path to the feeling of worthiness. – Brené Brown Vulnerability has a bad reputation...
Emotional Contagion
Last week, I stumbled onto a magazine in a waiting room that gave me an “A-ha!” moment. The article helped me crystallize a concept...
Oh My Mind!
Why do I care about the parts of the mind? The idea of Id, Ego and Super Ego have become so familiar as to be laughable. It seems that...
Why Do Some Memories Stick? Merry-go-round-Memories
As a child, Tom loved Pecan Sandies and hot dogs. At a family picnic, he ate several hot dogs and many Pecan Sandies. That night, he had...
Templates Part Two: What You See is Not What You Get
In the last post, we started talking about templates and how they can run our lives. Templates rarely work alone; often they work in...
Living on Auto-Pilot
We all have templates by which we live. A template is a way of looking at our experiences through which we give meaning to our lives....
Why We Need Feelings
Don began his story. “Growing up it was clear in my family that feelings were unacceptable. Repeatedly, I heard such statements as, “I...
When it Hurts too Much to Talk
When Albert Einstein met Charlie Chaplin, Einstein said,“What I most admire about your art, is your universality. You don’t say a word,...
The Importance of Showing Up
We have all heard the saying, “It hurt too much to cry.” What you don’t hear as often is the idea that there could exist a pain so great...