The Value of Being Overwhelmed
The characters and stories from Lost in Space are a great tool to remind you of the positive things that feeling overwhelmed can do for us.
Are You Crazy, or Am I?
“A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?” Albert Einstein “You're just crazy… this is crazy… they are...
I Can’t Get No Satisfaction
When you stop moving, working, or socializing and it is time to focus on an unpleasant task, a restlessness settles in. This is anxiety.
“Sing” a New Song to Start 2017
Once again, a movie aimed at children has delivered an important message for all of us that may guide you on how to start your year....
Growing Intimacy Through Conflict
There is another side to conflict. It can be used to manage closeness and distance. Conflict is a powerful way to have contact with someone
Understanding Yourself: An Exercise to Help You.
In a previous blog, I introduced you to the Johari Window and the areas of yourself you do not know. The more you can get to know about...
Discovering the Unknown About Yourself
The more you can get to know yourself, the better you can communicate. This exercise can help you learn more about your blind areas. There a