What Do We Do With Memories?
In last week’s article, we examined the different types of memories, how they are formed, and how they are stored. We discussed why...
Emotional Contagion
Last week, I stumbled onto a magazine in a waiting room that gave me an “A-ha!” moment. The article helped me crystallize a concept...
Signs That Different Parts Are Active
For a few weeks now, we've been talking about the brain and how it can create different parts of ourselves in order to survive certain...
What Is Hate?
Love and hate have a magical transforming power. They are the great soul changers. We grow their exercise into the likeness of what we...
Intensity: Is it Real?
David is six months into a new job. He is making more money than ever before, but he is working constantly. There is conflict with his...
Transforming the Drama Triangle
Each of us has created or been drawn into a Drama Triangle many times over the course of our lives. It happens on an unconscious level to...
Relationships and Triangles
Chris, Andy and Liam have been friends for years. Andy borrowed Chris’s car and had a fender bender. The following week when the three of...
Entitlement, the Road to Dissatisfaction
“I don’t understand why life is so hard for me. It seems to me that I have suffered enough. My mother tried to help me but was weak and...
What Kind of Angry Are You?
Think about the last two weeks. How many times would you have described yourself as “angry”? If we're honest about it, we could all say,...
Templates Part Two: What You See is Not What You Get
In the last post, we started talking about templates and how they can run our lives. Templates rarely work alone; often they work in...